Wednesday 17 August 2011

20 km 3 Minutes Faster... But...

Yesterday I ran the same course I ran over a week ago which had a total distance of 20 km.  I finished it this time around in 1 hour 23 minutes 12 seconds and managed to rehydrate at the 10 km mark.  Unfortunately, ever since I got back yesterday at 3pm, my body has been having a hard time recuperating from the excessive loss of electrolytes and water from the run.  It was hot and humid yesterday and I didn't realize just how bad it was until I remained lethargic for several hours after the run.

I am happy that I decreased my time by 3 minutes in just over a week which is practically unheard of, but with adverse consequences.  Lets just say the bathroom and I spent some very good quality time together last night and early this morning.  So how did I replace my loss of water and electrolytes? Well initially I attempted to drink water but that would not stay in me for long... I began eating to refuel my loss in glycogen and glucose from the run.  Then I upped my game by adding table salt to my water to gain some electrolytes back in the process.  That seemed to take the edge off but still this morning I was feeling like my intestines were burning from the inside.  This morning I drank 2 Litres of Gatorade G2 (yep, 2 litres), and I have never felt better.  It allowed my body to replace the lost electrolytes in my excess sweat and excrement's.  I will live by G2 for quite some time for post workout replenishment of my electrolytes, plus it tastes good too.

These past 24 hours have been eventful for myself and I really want to make sure this doesnt happen to anyone else.  If its too hot or humid outside to exercise, wait until the sun goes down.  In addition, be sure to replace your electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and calcium mainly) after a workout.    Below are two videos I found on YouTube which illustrate different techniques for rehydrating, refueling, and replacing electrolytes post workout:

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