Saturday 7 July 2012

5 Superfoods for the Endurance Athlete

When training for any type of sporting event, the equation for results is identical.  It follows a simplistic balancing act of 3 components; Nutrition, Training, and Recovery.  An imbalance in any of these compartments can be harmful to ones overall fitness and performance.

In my personal opinion, the most important components for optimal performance are recovery and nutrition.  After a long, hard race around a track in a Ferrarri, is it best to refill the tank with ethanol fuel and not let the engine cool down?  Or is it best to fill up the gas tank with high octane fuel and check under the hood for any necessary adjustments?  Through taking the extra time to allow any damage to heal and refueling your tank with quality sources, you can increase your potential performance gains.

You are what you eat is the honest truth.  So today I am going to present to you 5 Superfoods which can be added your diet to increase recovery and performance. 

By definition, a Superfood is highly nutrient dense, may contains phytochemicals, and has health related benefits.  They usually contain little to no negative health consequences such as high fat content or ingredients which are difficult to pronounce.  The 5 superfoods listed below form naturally in the world (not artificially made) and can be found at local grocery stores!


Raw ginger root
Ginger has been shown to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and aid in digestion.  The major seller to an athlete is its power to reduce inflammation - a physiological process every athlete battles.  Futhermore, ginger increases circulation and reduces the absorption of bad cholesterol (LDL) by the small intestines.  This white stalk can be found in grocery stores raw and be used as an ingredient in salads and dressings.  Also, ginger can be found in drinks (Ginger Ale, Ginger beer) however the added sugar and alcohol content are not too beneficial.

Maca powder

The major role maca plays is in hormone regulation, specifically the adrenal glands.  This natural supplement helps to relieve stress in the body, allowing to recover better and faster.  Maca powder contains important micronutrients such as calcium, vitamins B1, B2, and B12.  Furthermore, it contains fatty acids which assist in the functioning of the immune system.  One teaspoon of Maca powder a day may keep the doctor away.

Chai Seeds

Chai seeds
The origins of the use of chai seeds for endurance energy dates back to the Mayan hunters during their long treks.  In 1 ounce of generic chai seeds, there is 9 grams of fats, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 4 grams of protein equaling 137 calories.  But wait, there's more!  Not only are chai seeds packed with energy and 11 grams of fiber, they normalize blood sugar levels and prolong hydration.  These seeds can carry up to 10 times their size in water allowing for greater retention of water and electrolytes.


Quinoa and chai share similar origins as fuel for hunters and warriors during prolonged bouts.  In addition to its high energy content and potential to increase stamina, it is also a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids.  Furthermore, it contains high levels of folate, magnesium, phosphorous, iron and thiamin making it one of the best grains in the world for endurance athletes as a substitute for rice.


Kale leaves
This leafy green sure packs a punch.  Kale contains antioxidants which halt the formation of free radicals during aerobic exercise.  It is high in iron which is vital for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells (the oxygen transporter) and proper liver function.  Kale can also lower ones cholesterol levels and has anti-inflammatory properties.  Substitute romain lettuce with kale to truly make your salad nutrient dense.

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