ALL IN ALL - this is an amazing tool to compliment my training and I will keep you updated with new and interesting finds surrounding this toy! What I appreciate most is that I can review my heart rate throughout the workout to make sure I stay within a specific zone. For more information on zone training, please read my other article by clicking here.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Timex Ironman Race Trainer 5K264 - Review
So I have given the watch a few test runs (or should I say bike and runs) and have been satisfied with what the watch has to offer! It can give me accurate heart rate readings throughout my workout since I cross referenced the heart rate measured by the watch with the hand sensors found on many commercial cardio equipment. What am I really pleased about? That my workouts can not only can be reviewed on the watch, but also can be synced to my online training journal powered by Here is what valuable information can be illustrated on the computer once uploaded:
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Somersault 'Swag' 2011
Thought I would show off the Somersault "swag" I picked up today. As I had mentioned in a previous post, I came 1st overall for Somersaults Run Series Champions Challenge - Men Age 20-24 with some very good results over the past year. Below is what I received:
The total package includes:
2 Pictures
- One of my 10km run
- My Duathlon
An Awards Certificate
3 x FREE entries into 5km or 10km run next year!
Now all that is left for me to do is figure out how to display all this - and - what races will I do?
Goal for next year: First overall in at least one race.
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My Somersault Swag |
The total package includes:
2 Pictures
- One of my 10km run
- My Duathlon
An Awards Certificate
3 x FREE entries into 5km or 10km run next year!
Now all that is left for me to do is figure out how to display all this - and - what races will I do?
Goal for next year: First overall in at least one race.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Happy Holidays!
I am sorry for the lack of posts these last few months, I have been swamped with school work. Over the christmas holidays I am definitely going to try and catch up in my lack of information delivery. I also plan on training hard over Christmas break as I will definitely have some extra time.
For right now though...I have to leave you with a teaser. Christmas came early this year and Santa decided to hook me up with this:
Here are the specs (
Review to come soon! and Happy Holidays!
For right now though...I have to leave you with a teaser. Christmas came early this year and Santa decided to hook me up with this:
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Timex Ironman Triathlon watch |
- Wirelessly exchange workout data between the watch and a computer
- Digital transmission for no cross-talk
- 50 lap memory recall
- 10 workout memory with heart rate and chrono/interval timer data
- Target Zone with Alert – preset your desired custom or automatic exercise zone
- Automatic Zone Calculation – sets 5 training zones based on max heart rate
- Time in Zone – Set within your selected target heart rate zones
- 5 linked interval timers with selectable Target Zones for each segment
- BPM or % of Max Heart Rate display
- Workout Review – recalls average, peak and minimum heart rates and calories burned
- Recovery Heart Rate Timer – measure your change in heart rate after a timed period
- 50 lap chronograph – recall lap and split times with average heart rate for each lap
- Countdown timer
- 3 alarms
- Slim over moulded HRM sensor
- INDIGLO® night-light
- Water resistant 100 metres
- Compatible with Data Xchanger USB device
- Heart rate monitor strap water resistant 30 metres (strap will not provide accurate heart rates when under water)
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Ingesting Sugar During Exercise
Below is an excerpt from one of the lab reports I conducted on the effects of glucose ingestion during submaximal exercise. What are the benefits? Read the lengthy discussion to see what the literature has to offer!
Exogenous Glucose Intake during Exercise and The Effects on Substrate Utilization
Figure 1 simplistically represents the journey exogenous glucose goes through until it is oxidized by mitochondria. The maximal rate of intestinal glucose absorption is approximately 1.3-1.7g/min and has been labeled as one of the rate limiting factors for exogenous carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation, but can be surpassed through saturation of transporter proteins with different isomers of glucose (Jeukendrup, 2010). Research suggests that another rate limiting factor for exogenous CHO oxidation is hepatic glucose output (Jeukendrup & Jentjens, 2000) which is tightly regulated. When increasing amounts of glucose enter the liver (>1g/min), glycogenesis may occur in the liver (Jeukendrup et al., 1998; Juekendrup & Jentjens, 2000) resulting in suppression of hepatic glycolysis. Findings by Hawley et al. (1994) further support the notion that blood glucose concentration is tightly regulated by the liver and that the maximal rate of exogenous CHO oxidation is 1.1g/min.
When glucose is ingested during exercise, a decrease in FAT metabolism occurs. The decrease in lipid (FAT) oxidation is in response to an increased blood glucose concentration which can sufficiently supply the energy demands and the high concentration can suppress lipolysis (Horowitz et al., 1997). Additionally, the time of CHO ingestion during exercise has no effect on the rate of exogenous CHO oxidation (Jeukendrup & Jentjens, 2000). An increase in CHO oxidation rates occurs 75-90 minutes after initial CHO ingestion and then plateaus (Krzentowski et al., 1984). Furthermore, the modality of secreting glucose into the blood (either ingestion or intravenously) can affect the rate of CHO and FAT oxidation (Hawley et al., 1994). When CHO is obtained through intravenous, insulin levels do not increase similarly to oral ingestion and FAT oxidation is increased (Hawley et al., 1994).
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Figure 1 Simplified flow chart identifying the pathway of CHO from ingestion to oxidation. Adapted from Jeukendrup & Jentjens (2000). |
The ingestion of exogenous glucose and high insulin levels (Ramnanan et al., 2010) activates Protein Phosphatase 1 which inactivates the enzyme phosphorylase kinase into the B isoform (Aggen, Nairn, & Chamberlin, 2000). This mechanism inhibits glycolysis at the hepatic level, thus sparing liver glycogen. The maximal amount of glucose which can be secreted from the liver into circulation is approximately 1.1 grams per minute. Studies have shown that ingesting a solution containing different isomers of glucose (example: fructose) can increase the amount of glucose secretion from the liver by saturating the protein transporters present on epithelium of small intestine to increase absorption (Jeukendrup, 2010). Furthermore, the consumption of a solution containing fructose and glucose during exercise has been shown to increase performance (Triplett et al., 2010) and CHO oxidation (Adopo et al, 1994).
In a study conducted by Smith et al. (2010), they observed the changes in fuel utilization throughout 4 different experimental trials when the rate of carbohydrate ingestion varies (no glucose, 15g/hour, 30g/hour, and 60g/hour). As the rate of ingested CHO increased, the relative rate of energy derived from exogenous CHO increased as well. In addition, muscle glycogen depletion was constant throughout each condition, but hepatic glycogen sparing was positively related to an increased rate of CHO ingestion (Smith et al., 2010). Riddell et al. (2003) further support the findings through their study testing the substrate utilization of endurance athletes when glucose is ingested during exercise.
Many studies have concluded the same findings as presented in this report. The ingestion of exogenous glucose during exercise reduces the breakdown of glycogen at the liver level but not at the muscle (Smith et al., 2010). Even during moderate intensity shivering, the same phenomena occurs when CHO is ingested (Blondin et al., 2010). Few studies have attempted to illustrate if muscle glycogen utilization is suppressed when ingesting high amounts of CHO during exercise with mixed results due to the complicated methodologies (Jeukendrup & Jentjens, 2000). Future studies should attempt to definitively answer if muscle glycolysis is affected by CHO ingestion during exercise.
Trained individuals may have a greater capacity for blood glucose uptake due to increased muscular capillary beds, an increase in amount of mitochondria (Cox et al., 2010), and increased amount of GLUT-4 (Jeukendrup & Jentjens, 2000). Cox et al. (2010) demonstrated that a training program which implements CHO ingestion during exercise can increase exogenous CHO oxidation. Krzentowski et al. (1984) reported similar findings stating that CHO oxidation is increased by 17% in trained individuals.
The physiological advantage of the ingestion of CHO during prolonged exercise at the same intensity would be to spare hepatic glycogen stores. By sparing endogenous sources of energy, the body would be able to sustain energy during prolonged exercise. The notion of constant exogenous glucose to sustain the energy demand of working tissue, therefore increase endurance capacity, is not clear. Lacerda et al. (2009) demonstrated that carbohydrate ingestion during submaximal intensity does not delay the unset of fatigue. However, Maughan, Fenn, & Leiper (1989) observed that a combination of CHO, electrolytes and fluid served to attenuate fatigue and increase endurance capacity. One can postulate that ingestion of CHO, in combination with electrolytes and fluid, during prolonged exercise bouts can increase endurance capacity.
Adopo, E., Peronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Brisson, G.R., & Hillaire-Marcel, C. (1994). Respective oxidation of exogenous glucose and fructose given in the same drink during exercise. The Journal of Applied Physiology, 76(3), 1014-1019.
Aggen, J. B., Nairn, A. C., & Chamberlin, R. (2000). Regulation of protein phosphatase-1. Chemistry & Biology, 7(1), R13-R23.
Blondin, D., Dépault, I., Imbeault, P., Péronnet, F., Imbeault, M., & Haman, F.. (2010). Effects of two glucose ingestion rates on substrate utilization during moderate-intensity shivering. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(2), 289-300.
Cox, G.R., Clark, S.A., Cox, A.J., Halson, S.L., Hargreaves, M., Hawley, J.A., Jeacocke, N., Snow, R.J., Kian Yeo, W., & Burke, L.M. (2010). Daily training with high carbohydrate availability increase exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during endurance cycling. The Journal of Applied Physiology, 109(1), 129-134.
Hawley, J. A., Bosch, A. N., Weltan, S. M., Dennis, S. C., & Noakes, T. D. (1994). Effects of glucose ingestion or glucose infusion on fuel substrate kinetics during prolonged exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology & Occupational Physiology, 68(5), 381-389.
Horowitz, J.F, Mora-Rodriguez, R., Byerley, L.O., & Coyle, E.F. (1997). Lipolytic suppression following carbohydrate ingestion limits fat oxidation during exercise. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism, 273(4), E768-E775.
Jeukendrup, A.E. (2010). Carbohydrate and exercise performance: the role of multiple transportable carbohydrates. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. 13(4), 452-457.
Jeukendrup, A.E. & Jentjens, R. (2000). Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Medicine, 29(6), 407-424.
Jeukendrup, A. E., Mensink, M., Saris, W. H. M., & Wagenmakers, A. J. M. (1997). Exogenous glucose oxidation during exercise in endurance-trained and untrained subjects. Journal of Applied Physiology, 82(3), 835-840.
Jeukendrup, A.E., Wagenmakers, A.J.M., Stegen, J.C.H., Gijsen, A.P., Brouns, F., & Saris, W.H.M. (1999). Carbohydrate ingestion can completely suppress endogenous glucose production during exercise. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism, 276(4), E672-E683.
Krzentowski, G., Jandrain, B., Pirnay, F., Mosora, F., Lacroix, M., Luyckx, A. S., & Lefebvre, P. J. (1984). Availability of glucose given orally during exercise.Journal of Applied Physiology, 56(2), 315-320.
Lacerda, A.C., Alecrim, P., Damasceno, W.C., Gripp, F., Pinto, K.M., & Silami-Garcia, E. (2009). Carbohydrate ingestion during exercise does not delay the onset of fatigue during submaximal cycle exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(4), 1276-1281.
Maughan, R. J., Fenn, C. E., & Leiper, J. B. (1989). Effects of fluid, electrolyte and substrate ingestion on endurance capacity. European Journal of Applied Physiology & Occupational Physiology, 58(5), 481-486.
Riddell, M. C., Partington, S. L., Stupka, N., Armstrong, D., Rennie, C., & Tarnopolsky, M. A. (2003). Substrate utilization during exercise performed with and without glucose ingestion in female and male endurance-trained athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, 13(4), 407-421.
Smith, J.E., Zachwieja, J.J., Péronnet, F., Passe, D.H., Massicotte, D., Lavoie, C., & Pascoe, D.D., (2010). Fuel selection and cycling endurance performance with ingestion of [13C]glucose: Evidence for a carbohydrate dose response. Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(6), 1520-1529.
Triplett, D., Doyle, J. A., Rupp, J. C., & Benardot, D. (2010). An isocaloric glucose-fructose beverage's effect on simulated 100-km cycling performance compared with a glucose-only beverage. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, 20(2), 122-131.
Welsh, R.S., Davis, J.M., Burke, J.R., & Williams, H.G. (2002). Carbohydrates and physical/mental performance during intermittent exercise to fatigue. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34(4), 723-731
Yaspelkis, B.B., & Ivy J.L. (1991). Effect of carbohydrate supplements and water on exercise metabolism in the heat. The Journal of Applied Physiology, 71(2), 680-687.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Inside Endurance: Episode 9 - Stretching!
Need a way to figure out whats best to do before a marathon? Watch this:
Before taking on the ING New York Marathon, Ryan trains with professional distance runner, Dathan Ritzenhein. Dathan shows Ryan how to warm up his muscles and improve the efficiency of his running form using dynamic flexibility movements and form drills.
Before taking on the ING New York Marathon, Ryan trains with professional distance runner, Dathan Ritzenhein. Dathan shows Ryan how to warm up his muscles and improve the efficiency of his running form using dynamic flexibility movements and form drills.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Review of 2011
What a year! I would have never expected the results I obtained in such a short time. For anyone who doesnt know, I started training in January 2011 with the expectations to finish a 5km in under 20 minutes. Next thing you see - I am planning on running a half marathon and moving towards bigger races. I have to account much of my success to greatest support group any aspiring amateur athlete can ask for. My family, my girlfriend, and my friends have been there and constantly congratulate me on my success. Thank you all!
My race times are all listed in the right side pane and I have to admit, I gained valuable experience through each race. This year has taught me more about myself physically and mentally - I now know my limits and I can play within them safely!
I have to announce that I have won 1st place in my age group for the Somersault Championchip Challenge! am very pleased with this and look forward to anyone who wishes to challenge my title next year ;)
Lastly, what does 2012 have in store for me?.... lets have a look:
Early May - Half Marathon
Late May - Full Marathon (under 3 hours - Boston Qualifier)
Mid June - Olympic Triathlon
June 24 - Half - Ironman
As you can see, once exams are done - my fun will just begin.
I want to say sorry for the lack of posts I have done since Sept.... School runs my life and I am going to start posting some of my papers and laboratory reports here so that you can all see the science behind exercise!
Train Hard. Train Smart.
My race times are all listed in the right side pane and I have to admit, I gained valuable experience through each race. This year has taught me more about myself physically and mentally - I now know my limits and I can play within them safely!
I have to announce that I have won 1st place in my age group for the Somersault Championchip Challenge! am very pleased with this and look forward to anyone who wishes to challenge my title next year ;)
Lastly, what does 2012 have in store for me?.... lets have a look:
Early May - Half Marathon
Late May - Full Marathon (under 3 hours - Boston Qualifier)
Mid June - Olympic Triathlon
June 24 - Half - Ironman
As you can see, once exams are done - my fun will just begin.
I want to say sorry for the lack of posts I have done since Sept.... School runs my life and I am going to start posting some of my papers and laboratory reports here so that you can all see the science behind exercise!
Train Hard. Train Smart.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Mont Tremblant - Half Ironman Rules and Regulations
Today I took a quick gander at the rules and regulations and a few stuck out so I thought I would share a few of these with you.
Swim Course Regulations
2. No fins, gloves, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind are allowed.
- I guess I can't bring my Toy Story Floaties....
Bike Course Regulations
17. Communication devices of any type, such as cell phones and two-way radios are strictly prohibited during competition. Use of such devices will result in disqualification.
- I was really looking forward to keeping everyone inform through twitter on my performance...and to pass the time...
Run Course Regulations
1. No form of locomotion other than running, walking or crawling is allowed.
- They missed a few of my favorite modes of locomotion such as hopscotch and leap frog.
Finish Line Policy
The give a ton of little details but all they needed to say is this:
Once you pass the finish line you have officially declared yourself that much more insane.
I cannot believe it, by July 2012, I will have finished a Half Ironman, and that is only the beginning to the rest of my goals.
Swim Course Regulations
2. No fins, gloves, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind are allowed.
- I guess I can't bring my Toy Story Floaties....
Bike Course Regulations

- I was really looking forward to keeping everyone inform through twitter on my performance...and to pass the time...
Run Course Regulations
1. No form of locomotion other than running, walking or crawling is allowed.
- They missed a few of my favorite modes of locomotion such as hopscotch and leap frog.
Finish Line Policy
The give a ton of little details but all they needed to say is this:
Once you pass the finish line you have officially declared yourself that much more insane.
I cannot believe it, by July 2012, I will have finished a Half Ironman, and that is only the beginning to the rest of my goals.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
TriCenter - The top moments from the Ironman World Championship 2010
On this final Kona edition of TriCenter, we re-live some of the top moments from the Ironman World Championship, chat with race winner Chris McCormack and head to the awards banquet.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
No record for 100-year-old Turbaned Tornado?!
The Canadian Press
Oct 24, 12:16 pm EDT
An excerpt from the article:
Oct 24, 12:16 pm EDT
An excerpt from the article:
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Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press |
TORONTO - A 100-year-old man who completed the Toronto Marathon has not made it into the Guinness World Records book after all.
Guinness spokesman Craig Glenday says his organization won't accept the evidence provided by Fauja Singh that he is actually 100.
The Turbaned Tornado, as he's nicknamed, thought he’d become the oldest marathoner ever on Oct. 16, but Glenday tells Toronto radio station AM640 that Singh can’t provide the necessary proof of his age....
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Inside Endurance: Webisodes
Excerpt from Competitor TV:
Triathlete Ryan Sutter reveals how he discovered a passion for endurance sports after injury ended his NFL career. Now, after fighting his way to multiple finishes near the top of his age group, Ryan has reached a plateau and knows he’ll have to transform his approach to training and nutrition to take his performance to the next level. Meanwhile, in order to achieve his goal of qualifying for the XTERRA USA Championship for the first time, he’ll need a top-three finish in his age group at XTERRA Indian Peaks. It’s one of the last races, and last chances, he’ll have to qualify this season.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Sunday, 9 October 2011

And here is the press conference with Craig Alexander:
Friday, 7 October 2011
Starvation Training?
Run on an empty stomach to get faster? To go longer? Physiological adaption perhaps? Watch this video to find out more:
Record-breaking marathoner Ryan Hall sits down to talk with nutritionist Dr. Clyde Wilson about "starvation" training for elite runners and other athletes - also known as glycogen super-compensation. The best way to work out for optimum adaptation is to have proper fueling. But there's an opposing idea to this, says Dr. Wilson. What makes muscle adapt, he says, is oxygen debt, which burns more fat and builds endurance. "Starvation" training is a bit of a misnomer, since it means just cutting back on your carb intake somewhat, and not for your hardest training workouts. Watch this video with Ryan to learn more.
Record-breaking marathoner Ryan Hall sits down to talk with nutritionist Dr. Clyde Wilson about "starvation" training for elite runners and other athletes - also known as glycogen super-compensation. The best way to work out for optimum adaptation is to have proper fueling. But there's an opposing idea to this, says Dr. Wilson. What makes muscle adapt, he says, is oxygen debt, which burns more fat and builds endurance. "Starvation" training is a bit of a misnomer, since it means just cutting back on your carb intake somewhat, and not for your hardest training workouts. Watch this video with Ryan to learn more.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Get In The Zone - Zone Training
Heart rate training is very cumbersome and can add a little bit of complexity to your training program, especially if you are a beginner. Although it may seem as information overload at the start, it can be very beneficial in the long run. By training in the proper zones, you are on your way to being efficient and training smart. Athletes often neglect low intensity exercise since they feel as if they are doing nothing, but the benefits from such training will transfer into other zones and aid in your development as an endurance athlete.
Zone Training is just that, exercising at specific heart rates or exertion to yield specific physiological benefits. The classical range for Zone Training consists of 5 zones:
It should feel like you are doing nothing, almost not even exerting yourself. It is normal to feel guilty after such a workout. The Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE - chart for reference at end) should be around 8.
You should be able to sustain a conversation at such an intensity; sentences should be audible. If you are gasping for air between words, tone it down. You may witness cardiac drift at the end of such a workout (when your heart rate increases although the intensity doesn't change). RPE should be 10-11.
You shouldn't be able to say more than one to two words without gasping for air. It should be below your race pace but also above your easy workouts. Your RPE should be around 13-14 for this workout.
This is your race pace and you should feel as if you are really working yourself to keep the pace strong. This is the pace you should be able to sustain for a longer duration (+1 hour). Physiologically, your legs should start to burn and your lungs should feel as if they are expanding past their normal. Your RPE should be around 16-18.
I call this the RED ZONE. Imagine your RPM meter on the dash of your vehicle and your vehicle is dipping into the red zone meaning working past its "safe zone." This is exactly what zone 5 should feel like - extremely laborious. You usually attain zone 5 with short distances or sprints where your pace is faster than race pace. RPE should be near maximal during this zone; 19-20.
Benefits of Each Zone
Zone 1 and Zone 2 are most beneficial for endurance and strength. These zones will increase vasculation in the muscles you are working so that more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered. This will increase your endurance dramatically. Furthermore, the strength about your joints will increase over time since you can increase the time spent in Zone 1 or 2. By increasing the amount of time stressing the joints, your body will adapt to make those joints stronger. Furthermore, Zone 1 and 2 can be used to increase recovery from Zone 4 and 5 training as it increases blood flow and nutrients to muscles.
The upper portion of Zone 3 is deemed as your anaerobic threshold, therefore for maximal aerobic benefits, stay below! During this zone you will increase your aerobic efficiency and fat utilization as it is targeting this metabolic pathway specifically. Over time you may notice your heart rate decrease while working at the same intensity. This zone will increase the amount of blood vessels in your muscles, increase your lung capacity, and metabolic efficiency for lipid substrates (fat burning).
Training in Zone 4 and 5 should be limited and only done once a week to once every two weeks. Zone 4 is known as your anaerobic zone as you start to use your glycogen and immediate energy system (Creatine Phosphate) to supply the bulk of your energy demands. Zone 4 will increase your oxygen uptake which is commonly referred to as VO2 max. This level of exertion comes along with the buildup of lactic acid in your blood stream. The more efficient you get, the better your body becomes at metabolizing the lactic acid and this can be accomplished during Zone 4 training.
Zone 5 is maximal exertion and should only be done during interval training where you enter Zone 5 for 30 seconds to a minute. It increases the effectiveness of your fast twitch muscle fibers - ultimately - speed. Be sure to have rest periods after these short bouts to ensure maximal recovery for the next interval. accumulation of lactic acid is high during maximal exertion.
Defining Your Zones
To find the proper heart rate allocated to the zone, I have supplied a table below to illustrate. The percentage of heart rate is calculated using your maximal heart rate (MHR) using on of the following formulas:
These are just two of the most familiar formula's used for calculating heart rate, but many exist since no formula works 100% of the time.
A more exact calculation for the appropriate zones would be to find your Heart Rate Reserve which can be found once one has their resting heart rate (RHR).
Once you have found your HRR, you can find the upper and lower limits of your zones through the percentages in the chart below.
TRAINING ZONE | Heart Rate | RPE |
ZONE 1 | 50-60% | 8 |
ZONE 2 | 60-70% | 10-11 |
ZONE 3 | 70-80% | 13-14 |
ZONE 4 | 80-90% | 16-17 |
ZONE 5 | 90-100% | 18-20 |
Then multiply your HRR by the percentage and add your RHR to find the limit. For example:
MHM = 191
RHR = 54
191 - 54 = 137 BPM
For Zone 2 Training 60-70%:
Lower Limit: 137 * .60 = 82.2 + 54 (RHR) = 136.2 BPM
Upper Limit: 137*.70 = 95.9 + 54 (RHR) = 149.5 BPM
How Often in Each Zone?
Here is a breakdown of how much you should exercise per week in each zone to yield maximal benefits and not sustain the overtraining syndrome.
ZONE 1 & ZONE 2 à 50 - 65%
ZONE 3 à 25 – 35%
ZONE 4 & ZONE 5 à 10 – 15%
Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale:
6 No exertion at all
7.5 Extremely light
9 Very light
11 Light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard (heavy)
17 Very hard
19 Extremely hard
20 Maximal exertion
7.5 Extremely light
9 Very light
11 Light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard (heavy)
17 Very hard
19 Extremely hard
20 Maximal exertion
I MUST NOTE: there is much speculation as to what limits are classified for each zone, therefore each athlete is unique and may fluctuate. This is quite simplified and one can dwell further into the logistics and physiological markers to calculate their exact zones. One would have to find their Lactate Threshold to figure out their exact zones, but this testing may be costly therefore these approximations are appropriate for the average athlete. Refer here for an article written by USA Triathlon Coach Ken Johnson where exact values for VO2 Max and Lactate Threshold are used to find training zones.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Inspiration - The Long Run
Whatever you set your mind to, you can accomplish your goals. Never give up because defeat is never an option. Will power is success' greatest asset. If you do not have willpower, you will not succeed.
On the morning of December 22, 2005, Matt Long was cycling to work in the early morning when he was struck by and sucked under a 20-ton bus making an illegal turn. The injuries he sustained pushed him within inches of his life. Miraculously, more than 40 operations and months later, Matt was able to start his recovery. In spite of the severity of his injuries, Matt found the psychological consequences of the accident nearly as hard to process. He would no longer be able to compete at the highest level.
In the 18 months before the accident, he had competed in more than 20 events including several triathlons and marathons and had qualified for running's most prestigious race, the Boston Marathon. After the accident, his doctor told him he'd be lucky if he could even walk without a cane.
The Long Run is an emotional and incredibly honest story about Matt's determination to fight through fear, despair, loneliness, and intense physical and psychological pain to regain the life he once had. The book chronicles Matt's road to recovery as he teaches himself to walk again and, a mere three years later, to run in the 2008 New York City Marathon—a gimpy seven-and-a-half hour journey through the five boroughs. "Running saved my life," Matt says, and his embrace of the running community and insistence on competing in the marathon has inspired many, turning him into a symbol of hope and recovery for untold numbers of others.
On the morning of December 22, 2005, Matt Long was cycling to work in the early morning when he was struck by and sucked under a 20-ton bus making an illegal turn. The injuries he sustained pushed him within inches of his life. Miraculously, more than 40 operations and months later, Matt was able to start his recovery. In spite of the severity of his injuries, Matt found the psychological consequences of the accident nearly as hard to process. He would no longer be able to compete at the highest level.
In the 18 months before the accident, he had competed in more than 20 events including several triathlons and marathons and had qualified for running's most prestigious race, the Boston Marathon. After the accident, his doctor told him he'd be lucky if he could even walk without a cane.
The Long Run is an emotional and incredibly honest story about Matt's determination to fight through fear, despair, loneliness, and intense physical and psychological pain to regain the life he once had. The book chronicles Matt's road to recovery as he teaches himself to walk again and, a mere three years later, to run in the 2008 New York City Marathon—a gimpy seven-and-a-half hour journey through the five boroughs. "Running saved my life," Matt says, and his embrace of the running community and insistence on competing in the marathon has inspired many, turning him into a symbol of hope and recovery for untold numbers of others.
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